Access Health Development Blog #3

Angelo Spampinato
3 min readMay 3, 2019



Part 1 || Part 2

The past two days have been productive at Access Health! Wednesday was spent cleaning up a lot of code, adding some comments, doing some styling, and improving the user experience of the site. One such improvement is the addition of a loading animation that plays when submitting either a donation or creating a campaign while waiting for a response.

On Thursday I implemented sorting on the browse campaigns page, you can now sort campaigns the ones closest to being funded, the newest campaigns, and the campaigns that are ending the soonest. I spent way too long working through the logic of sorting by date and converting the date string from my database into a Javascript Date instance and after finally figuring out was informed by my peer that Moment.js exists. So tomorrow I will look into refactoring with that library.


I also implemented a functioning search bar that allows the user to search by the name of the campaign. When they click on an item it takes them to that campaign’s page.

Sorting and the search bar now work!

The autocomplete feature was a learning experience as it was the first time I have implemented something of the sort in a search bar. I used the React Autosuggest component by Misha Moroshko to do this.

I also started to work on handling what should happen when a campaign is fully funded. I added a boolean column to the campaign table that is false by default and changes to true if the campaign reaches its funding goal.

In donation.rb

I am using this new column to conditionally render the browse campaigns page, if a campaign reaches its goal then it will no longer show up for users looking to donate.

After this I decided to have a little bit of fun and added some CSS fireworks to the campaign page if it is successful that is only visible to the owner of the campaign. For this I headed over to Codepen and used an awesome pen by Eddie Lin. You can see the fireworks in action in the gif at the top of this article!

Next Up

I still need to add more logic to deal with a campaign ending. Right now I am not handling the case for if a campaign fails to reach its goal within its 30 day time frame. I also haven’t gotten to Action Mailer yet, I figured that I’d handle the front end side of dealing with a campaign finishing before getting to that. I am to get started with it tomorrow. I also have enjoyed my time styling the site (except when my stubborn footer wouldn’t stick to the bottom of the profile page), I will spend more time improving the look and feel of it.

That’s all for now, part 4 will be hopefully be posted soon!



Angelo Spampinato
Angelo Spampinato

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